Literary Moment

We are a book club focusing on both traditional and modern classics. We meet the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm at Mocha Moment. We try to read one book a month, but long ones are often split between two months. Each month we will post the upcoming book both at Mocha Moment and at this blog. Please come join us to for a lively discussion of all those books you've been meaning to read but just haven't gotten to yet.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

When We Last Left You

... we were next to read Edwidge Danticat's "Dew Breaker." Ms. Danticat is considered one of those young "up-and-comers" in the literary universe. She's been nominated for a few awards, won a few minor awards, been mentioned for future awards and received the Oprah Winfrey seal of approval. We thought the book was "eh."

The story tells of a young adult who finds out that her father isn't really what he's been proclaiming to be. That he tortured people under a corrupt Haitian regime before fleeing with the lady who would become his wife. He has lived his life quietly ever since.

As a story, we all agreed it was a pretty good one. However, the style seemed a little underdeveloped. It was sort of like watching a really good movie that's being directed by a young filmmaker. It has all the right ideas, but Ms. Danticat doesn't really make it flow right. If this were a first book I might be a little more forgiving. But it's her third. Granted she's "prolific" but maybe she should slow down and focus on solid editing.

In any event, if I remember correctly, at this discussion we never really got on track to get to some of the moral issues presented. We were more interested in debating whether the protagonist should have been escorted out or simply tossed out unceremoniously when she showed up to the house without the artwork.

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